sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012


We got to enter to the virtual classroom at the university web page so we can edit our profiles and upload a picture. I had troubles uploading the picture and I do it at home, I realized that the format of the picture was incorrect. Continuing with the class come the explanations about the module and we got to see the module and how are we going to work the whole semester. As a third point, the teacher explain us about the team work activity that we had to do, it was about evaluating a web page, the link offered by the teacher gave us good explanations about how to know if a site is a reliable fount of information or not, basing on the URL. As future teachers it also benefit ourselves, with the fact that eventually we are going to create a culture that will be responsible of the content that will be looking for on the internet , this is very useful information because we can share with our students how to make a good research.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Natasha,

    It is good to see that you have your own blog. I have some suggestions to make it better:

    read the rubric to evaluate blogs, so you know exactly what I expect you to do.
    look at the examples of learning reflective blogs from our virtual classroom.
    your entries should show good reflection, not just simple general things.
    you should add more information and cite all the sources you have used during the week.
    you should investigate and add information about the topics we study in class.

    Continue working hard!

  2. Natasha,

    What's going on with you? You really need to work hard in this class, please catch up with all the assignments.
